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「小グループ キリストを中心とした安全で愛のあるコミュニティ」- "Small Group: Christ-Centered Safe and Loving Community"

小グループ キリストを中心とした安全で愛のあるコミュニティ


"Small Group: Christ-Centered Safe and Loving Community"

by Pastor Ichibei Honda

Jesus modeled for us the importance of coming together as a small group through His example of discipleship.  When Jesus began His public ministry, He ministered to thousands of people.  However, Jesus spent most of His time with His twelve disciples.  Even with these twelve, He spent exclusive time on certain occasions with just Peter, James and John.  Jesus knew that He could best minister to this small group and instill in them His teaching as well as His way of living.  As a small group community, we are able to encourage one another and pray for one another.  This is especially true when we encounter difficult times in our lives.  Those in small groups stick together through the ups-and-downs of the various seasons of life as Christ’s followers.  Thus, on this Small Group Emphasis Sunday, our encouragement is for everyone to be a part of a Christ-centered safe and loving community.



Message Audio メッセージ音声 (English Only)



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