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「モーセ 神の真実と恵みの証し」 - "Moses:Testimony of God’s Truth and Grace "


モーセ 神の真実と恵みの証し』本多一米師

Learning from Others, How to Live with God

"Moses: Testimony of God’s Truth and Grace " by Pastor Ichibei Honda

Moses was faithful in serving God as a servant of Israel.  At the same time, what he did and wrote were a testimony of things which were to be spoken of later, that is pointing to Jesus Christ.  Thus, Moses’ life is truly a testimony of God’s truth and grace that is found in Jesus Christ.  By looking together at Moses’ life, we can see how he lived before encountering God, how he encountered God and placed his faith in Him, and how he then lived a life of trusting and obeying God as God’s faithful servant.  His life is an example for us of how we are to live as a testimony of God’s truth and grace, pointing others to Jesus Christ.




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