Learning from Others, How to Live with God
"Abraham: The Father of Faith" by Pastor Ichibei Honda

Since the second Sunday of July, Pastor Okura and I have been giving messages as part of a series called “Learning from Others, How to Live with God.” Last Sunday, Pastor Okura talked about Job, and we read about him in the book of Job. We looked at Job, because chronologically Job lived around the time of Abraham who we will be looking at today. Both Job and Abraham lived approximately 2000 years before the time of Christ. Please note that Abraham is very important to the overall storyline of the Bible. Even as we look at the book of Genesis, we will find that the first 11 chapters deal with the Creation, the Fall (Adam’s sin), the Flood, and the Dispersion of people. However, from chapter 12 on till the end of the book of Genesis, we will see that the focus will be on Abraham (Abram) and his descendants. Abraham is often referred to as the Father of Faith, and we will look at his faith in God and how his faith grew throughout his lifetime.
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