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Coronavirus Update

March 14, 2020

Praying you are doing well in the midst of a current world that is being impacted by the spread of the Coronavirus.

Let us remember Jesus’ words to us in such a time as this: “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Thus, we as a church need to deal with the Coronavirus threat, not out of fear, but with faith and God's wisdom. President Donald Trump has declared the coronavirus pandemic a national emergency. Many schools and even workplaces are closing down, and many churches have gone to online services starting this Sunday, March 15. We have also received a directive from the Holiness Shepherd Council to do the same. Thus, for the time being, we will be taking the following precautionary measures:

1) Starting this Sunday, we will not be meeting together for worship services at the church facility, and want to encourage you to take part in the worship service via online. When the current situation changes, and we are able to meet together at the church facility for worship services, we will let you know.

Please join us online from the link below:


2) Due to the suspension of the worship services, we will cancel Sunday School, Nursery, and other meetings scheduled on Sundays at the church facility.

3) We will let you know about whether other gatherings, special events (picnics), fellowship meetings and Bible studies, either at the church facility or other locations, will go on as scheduled, be cancelled or postponed, as soon as possible.

Thank you for your kind understanding regarding these matters. Let us continue to look to God in prayer, trusting in His goodness and sovereignty!

If you need any prayer or help with anything during this time, please do not hesitate to contact the church office.

Grace and peace in Christ,

Ichibei Honda


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