Date: Sunday, November 11, 2018
Series Description:
God promised that He would give His Spirit to His people. Jesus reiterated this promise to His disciples, and encouraged them to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit to be given to them. Because the Holy Spirit is so key to our lives as followers of Jesus Christ, our new message series will be called 'Spirit of God Lift Me Up'. We will look at Scripture to learn more about the Holy Spirit’s powerful work throughout history and in the world today and in our lives.
Sermon Description:
Who do you talk with the most? Someone you see every day or someone you see occasionally? Who do you share what is most important to you with? Someone who you are close to or someone who barely knows you? Answering these questions is important in thinking about the topic of prayer. Prayer is not just a religious practice, but is our means of communicating with the Heavenly Father. Like a small child snuggles up to a dad or mom and talks with them, so is prayer for God’s children. It should come naturally, and yet it is supernaturally guided by the Holy Spirit.