Date: Sunday, October 14, 2018
Series Description:
God promised that He would give His Spirit to His people. Jesus reiterated this promise to His disciples, and encouraged them to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit to be given to them. Because the Holy Spirit is so key to our lives as followers of Jesus Christ, our new message series will be called 'Spirit of God Lift Me Up'. We will look at Scripture to learn more about the Holy Spirit’s powerful work throughout history and in the world today and in our lives.
Sermon Description:
Loving God and loving others is at the core of our being human. We were created to be in loving relationship with God and with one another, and yet we find this to be the hardest thing to do. So why does God seem to command us to do something that seems impossible? I believe it is because He wants us to see that we are lacking something, and that something we are lacking is Him in our lives. Jesus Christ came that we might have life, and have it abundantly! What Satan stole away from mankind in relationship with God, Jesus came to restore. This abundance comes from having the Holy Spirit in us, so that we may be able to love God and love others as we were created to do. The Holy Spirit was something that God promised to His people. This promise of God is key to everything that the Israelites could hope for in relationship to God, and it is something that is a must for anyone who hopes to live as God has created them to live. The Holy Spirit is given to everyone who puts their trust in Jesus as their Savior and Lord. The Holy Spirit gives us the power to live in the fullness of what God has called us to be as His children.