Date: Sunday, September 10, 2017
Series Description:
The fact of the matter is that we live in a hedonistic and worldly culture. As Christians, we need to understand the difference between the life that we are given by God through faith in Jesus Christ and a life that is void of God. If we have our ears tuned into the world more than God’s Word, then slowly and surely we will see that our so-called Christian culture will not be distinguishable from today’s hedonistic culture. For the purpose of conciseness and focus, we will be addressing three areas of our current pleasure-seeking culture, mainly “Sex, Drugs, and Rock-N-Roll”. Thus, we are getting real about this topic, and will deal with a biblical response to today’s “Sex, Drugs, and Rock-n-roll” culture.
Sermon Description: As Christians, we are called to love God and be in His Word rather than love this world and the pleasures that it offers us. The key question to ask ourselves is: Are we going to live God’s Way or My Way? Are we going to live according to the truth as defined by God, or live according to the lie perpetuated by Satan. We are called to follow Christ, and we are chosen to live as a faith community that shares the truth and love of God with the world.